Meet Dynasty Diva: Vancie Vega


In anticipation of the premiere edition of Divas of Dynasty, our first all-drag-revue at Dynasty Typewriter, we're catching up with some of the performers who will be gracing the stage. 

Vancie Vega is a world renowned celebrity impersonator, singer, dancer, comedienne who has spent 32 years in show business.

When were you first introduced to drag and why did it make an impact?
V: I was 15 when I found drag. As a Transsexual it was like a switch was flipped and I saw a way to be female. Since I've cultivated my craft exceeding 'drag' and becoming an entertainer who sings, dances, does stand-up and character acting. 

Which of your talents are you most proud of and why?
V: My ability to be multifaceted enjoying many talents equally

What do you like to do when you're NOT in drag?
V: When I'm not on stage I enjoy all things outdoors. Hiking, swimming, walking. I also love cooking and am a beast in the kitchen. 

What’s your go-to lip-sync song, and why?
V: I have two 'go to' performances. The first being my Carrie Underwood mix which is sexy and powerful allowing me to dance and really interact with my audience. The second is Kylie Minogue's  Timebomb because it fills me with energy and I can fiercely emote it and fill the room.

If you could have an all-queen dream dinner party, who’d be invited?
V: Chad Michaels, Delta Work, Ingenue, Dolly Levi, Krystal Summers, Layla LaRue and Wendy Ho (honorary queen ❤).

Divas of Dynasty kicks off on May 25th with a star-studded cornucopia of entertainers.  Directed & hosted by Tye Blue, this unique theatrical experience will also star Pandora Boxx, as well as Ru Paul Drag Race alumni Jasmine Masters, beloved So Cal favorites Dolly Levi and Borgia BloomGet more info here. 

Dynasty Typewriter

LA’s newest home for comedy, variety, and good times.

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