This Week At Dynasty: Frank is bringing JEFF GARLIN over tonight! + 💐YOUR VALENTINE'S DAY SOLUTION! 💟 + CAMERON ESPOSITO! + TABLOID FODDER!👹


Ohhh flarp, it’s the end of January already!? Hopefully you stuck to or outgrew your resolutions and are ready for that sweet shortie of a month that is February (Whaddup Lil’ Febz!) January kicked the year off right, with thrilling shows and show announcements (Ilana GlazerAdam SandlerHannah Gadsby coming soon!) and we’ll be giving Lady Jan a proper send off this week! Last week was amazing, with Sandler’s three night run — which brought BRAD PITT in the building (and got us in the tabloids! We’re so sordid!)— Eric Andre dropping into the Major Entertainer show, a FYRE festsponsored Dynasty Tonight (complete with kobe beef deluxe bologna sandwiches!) and Let’s Go Atsuko’s one year anniversary show! 

TONIGHT we have an hour with  KYLE KINANE featuring DAVE STONE! Followed by an event we are so excited for… FRANK IS COMING HOME! Our dear darling FRANCIS CRONIN will arrive at the Dynasty for a 10pm show, ending his 500 mile walk from San Francisco to Los Angeles and he’s putting on a SHOW honey! Grab your tickets now and do all the good things at once: support Frank’s home coming, know that proceeds are going to Homeless Health Care LA, AND see JEFF GARLINPREACHER LAWSON, and MOSES STORM! Now THAT’S a Classic Dynasty TripleWin™ Situation.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT will be fun right? Yes, AND it’s all improv, babyyyy! WORKJUICE PLAYERS are back, and from now on you can expect the last Wednesday of the month to be Workjuice Wednesday*! We’re thrilled to be their new home, because who wouldn’t want more of CRAIG CACKOWSKIMARC EVAN JACKSON, PAUL F. TOMPKINSHAL LUBLINANNIE SAVAGE, LITTLE JANET VARNEY and the likes?! Then at 10pm THE UNDERSTUDIES will be putting on a two man three act play... that they make up as they go. Wizardry! 

THURSDAY is Kyle Ayer’s intense compliment contest, BOAST RATTLE, featuring sweetie showdowns between the LUCAS BROTHERS, MO WELCHBLAIR SOCCIMAGGIE MAYEDANIEL WEBB and more. Get ringside seats to the lovefest! 10PM is BRI GIGER’s one woman show based on voicemails, in the tradition of the classics.

FRIDAY is the first day of February, and the lovefest begins with When Puppets are your Only Friends! Featuring comedy, variety, and of course puppets (including some original Bob Baker marionettes!)

SATURDAY, come on over at 2pm for another GO DAY, a totally FREE monthly dose of enchantertainment designed to excite and inspire you. Saturday night we’ll be treated to an hour with CAMERON ESPOSITO and then the Tomorrow Show.

SUNDAY EVENING it’s INARA GEORGE (The Bird and The Bee) presents ELENI MANDELL’s Song Club, so don’t miss your chance to hear amazing musicians debut their work at the Dynasty. MONDAY brings back the Harmontown gang- now with a La Fonda happy hour next door! Make a night of it, darlings. 

We hope to see you here very soon and very frequently. 
when it’s on a Thursday, because rules were made to be broken, but only very rarely.