Darling Buds of (almost) May,
Here’s to the dawn of a new month, and a prayer that rough winds don’t shake you. Or if they DO shake you, may it be in a way that’s really fun and empowering. April has been great, and to prove it we’ll tell you about the last week of April ‘round these parts! Last Tuesday was the one year anniversary of Team Coco’s UP & UP and we were walkin’ up and up on air due to how great the show was. MARIA BAMFORD was the dream we all know her to be, ANDY RICHTER gave a completely candid and unfiltered interview, and MOSES STORM and FLULA BORG reenacted scenes from Cocktail. (They also had us all asking WTF was Cocktail!? How, why, and for whom was that made?! But- in the event of a remake, Moses gets to b e Tom and Flula gets to be everyone else.) Wednesday the WorkJuicers worked it so well they should get paid overtime. JOSH GONDLEMAN’s show was further proof that nice AND funny are the most delicious combo. FRIDAY we had the pleasure and thrill of hosting our first AirBnb Experience! (It’s a match made in heaven! We love LA, we love new friends, and you KNOW we love a flarkin’ experience.) We hosted a lovely fashion designer from Shanghai and her friends to a private tour and history lesson, a tamale dinner on stage, a personalized slide show, and then perfect seats for Friday Forty where th ey witnessed the genius of DAVE HOLMES and SCOTT GIMPLE, delighted in the wit of LUKE NULL, and basked in the goddess beams emanating off of AISHA TYLER. Saturday was the 16mm 90s horror marathon and it’s always a blast when Dynasty transforms into a movie theater! The event was packed from noon to midnight, potlucks were had, popcorn was eaten, screams were screamed, and the 90's were missed. Sunday April 28th shall henceforth be known as JANEANE GAROFALO Appreciation Day, as her show had us appreciating her harder than ever! We’ve always been fans, but watching her do an hour and 10 minutes of amazing, fresh, intelligent, self-aware and reallllly smart work was one of our favorite things to date. ALSO she’s nicer than you can possibly imagine! ALSO ALSO she stole a roll of toilet paper from us (street cred!) and bought a Dynasty T-shirt (sweet cred.) Ain’t love grand?
Oh, and can we take this moment to make a new Dyn'AccessoryCommandment™? Don’t wear jinglebells to shows, folks! We don’t know who the offending fashionista was, but we DO know that every laughter and applause moment was punctuated by a sparkling tinny jingle that made it feel like angels EVERYWHERE were gettin’ wings. Good for angels, bad for brains. Save your ear chimes, wrist rattles, and gong shoes for our next Maxinista Jamboree Dynasty Street Parade (date forthcoming.)
Ma y is kicking of with one heck of a May Day as WEDNESDAY brings us DYNASTY TONIGHT! Dynasty Tonight is a show comprised of hand-picked lineups of favorite darlings that we just know you’ll love. This week we’ve got JOEL KIM BOOSTER! JON DALY! BETH STELLING! CANDICE THOMPSON! JOE MANDE! Annnnd a SURPRISE SPECIAL GUEST! (Oooh! Who can it be?! We can’t tell! Someone famous? Yes! Shhh!) Come on down and hang out with us, and see the show we designed with YOU in mind!
FRIDAY and SATURDAY we welcome back the queen CAT COHEN for two sold-out shows of her cabaret (catbaret? sorry!) brand of enchantment. SATURDAY afternoon at 2pm, come on down to another GO DAY! Go Day is our (FREE!) monthly dose of enchantertainment™ for artists, entrepreneurs, or anyone looking for a little extra creative inspiration into their life! Join us as some of our favorite people share their approaches to creativity and productivity! This month we have returning champ, writer and show runner BRENT FORRESTER (The Office, The Simpsons)! Comedian and actor BARON VAUGHN (New Negroes, Grace and Frankie)! Comedian and approachable meditator LAURA HOUSE (How to Hate Yourself)! Business badass JAMIE SULLIVAN (Soylent)! The event will be hosted by our own JAMIE and VANESSA and is, as always, a great excuse to drink a lot of DynaBrew. Also Jamie S. is bringing free Soylent! Have YOU used their cafe flavors as coffee creamers? THEN YOU HAVEN'T LIIIIIVED. Come and connect with the Dynasty Darlings we love so much, and remind yourself of your truly limitless potential. (It’s cheesy but it’s true. You can do anything! Life is absurd! What do you want? Let’s figure out how to make it happen.)
Until next week, don’t let that gold complexion get dimmed!
Jamie & Vanessa

Wednesday, May 1 | 8pm
An evening of comedy and enchantertainment™. Hosted by Candice Thompson. Featuring: Jon Daly, Joel Kim Booster, Joe Mande, and Beth Stelling. Plus a very special mystery guest.
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May 3 & 4 | 8pm
Dynasty Typewriter invites you to an evening of Comedy + Cabaret with one of New York's comedians to watch, Catherine Cohen.
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Saturday, May 4th | 8pm
Dynasty Typewriter's monthly dose of enchantertainment. This month's edition features: Brent Forrester (The Office, Simpsons), Baron Vaughn (New Negroes), Jamie Sullivan (Soylent), and Laura House (How To Hate Yourself).
Free with RSVP →
Monday, May 6 | 8pm
Writer and comedian Dan Harmon (Community, Rick & Morty) brings his wildly popular podcast in front of a live audience! Featuring special guests: Hayes Davenport + Sean Clements (Hollywood Handbook).
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Tuesday, May 7 | 8pm
A live podcast featuring award-winning comedian Kevin Pollak and his favorite, extraordinarily-talented improvisers: Vanessa Ragland, Joey Greer, Chris Alvarado, Craig Cackowski, and James Heaney.
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Wednesday, May 8 | 8pm
Helen Crimmins Benefit Show
An evening of comedy featuring Bobcat Goldthwait, Demetri Martin, & More! Proceeds from this evening will benefit Helen Crimmins, photographer and widow of the legendary Barry Crimmins, who is bravely battling cancer.
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See what happened when some of LA best comedians shared what was in their diaries! Photos from Lindsay Ames' My Diary At Dynasty Typewriter. Hosted by Lindsay Ames featuring: Mo Collin, Ben Gleib, Brandon Wardell, Lizzy Cooperman. Photos By Samuel Macguire.
See The Full Photoset →
Friday, May 10 | 8pm
Join us for a live taping of Earwolf's Improvised Musical Podcast with Jessica McKenna and Zach Reino.
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Friday, May 10 | 10pm
A night of variety with comedy, striptease, music, and lots of jokes with New York performers Peter Smith and Sandy Honig with special guests John Early and Patti Harrison.
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Tuesday, May 14 | 8pm
Headlines in Los Angles for the first time ever for ONE NIGHT ONLY! With special guests: Langston Kerman, Nash Rose, and Will Miles.
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Wednesday, May 15 | 8pm
Headlining set from the comedian/writer behind shows like BROAD CITY and more.
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