GO DAY NOTES: 3/3/19

Go Day! is Dynasty Typewriter’s monthly dose of enchantertainment™, designed to excite and inspire you to GO into your life with gusto! It's a free event for our community where we have artists and creators and entrepreneurs that we like come educate and inspire our audience. Last month we had an amazing line-up of speakers including writer Bruce Ferber (Home Improvement), showrunner Brent Forrester (The Office), Catherine Coan (Taxidermist, Artist, Poet, Professor), Jonathan Kidder (Creator, Artist, Intuitive), and Vikki Flam (Comedian and Jamie’s Mom). As always, it was hosted by Jamie Flam and Vanessa Ragland (Artistic Directors at Dynasty Typewriter). Writer Emily Popper was in residence to take notes for this edition.
Collaborating with other artists and exploring art forms outside your comfort zone are a great way to broaden your work. (Catherine Coan)
“People like people who are into stuff.” We are generally drawn to other people with weirdly committed passions. (Catherine Coan)
“It doesn’t matter how old you are, just get started.” (Catherine Coan)
Vanessa & Jamie ask the crowd about their response to Dynasty’s new “Coffee” option, and along with 3 other people, I give an emphatic thumbs up! Vanessa & Jamie seem less than impressed with the response.
Jonathan Kidder, a psychic puppeteer has brought a trunk full of his hand puppet helpers.
As he talks about learning to accept his abilities during his childhood, Jonathan comments, “I was afraid to let my magic out.” Don’t be afraid to let your magic out – even if it scares you.
As if they rehearsed it, Jonathan comes back to Catherine’s theme of collaboration and talks about knowing who your tribe is. Jonathan defines “tribe” as the people who allow you to be yourself.
The talk progresses into a “reading” for a mildly reluctant Jamie. During the course of the reading they coin the term “Like-me-itis” – a condition that holds too many people back.
While talking about the throat chakra, Jonathan explains the importance of managing your choices right in between your head and your heart.
One insight that really lands with the crowd is the idea that the antidote for fear is gratitude. As a way of generating that gratitude, Jonathan suggests that each day before bed, you should ask yourself “Why was today the best day ever?”
Vikki Flam, Jamie’s mom is up next with photos of her cork-board outline and stuffed animal audience which prove she’s been taking Brent Forrester’s advice, even if she tends to call him “Brett.”
While discussing her hopes to give stand-up a try, Vikki points at Jamie and says “If you can take the leap, I can take the leap.” It instantly becomes my new mantra.
Echoing a point Catherine made about starting projects, Vikki says “It’s never too late to become what you might have been.” I believe her.
Finally, Vikki closes out her chat by accurately pointing out “Go-Day is not bullshit.” Vanessa vehemently denies that anyone ever thought it was.
Bruce Ferber, author and show-runner of the incredibly successful sitcom Home Improvement (among other things), sits down for an interview with Go-Day veteran Brent Forrester
Brent’s first question is about “breaking in” to showbiz and Bruce emphasizes that he took the time to write, arranging his life to make that possible.
Bruce describes himself starting out with no idea “how things were done” which turned out to be an advantage for him. It's a good reminder not to worry too much about what other people are doing.
Brent and Bruce talk about the importance of being able to work in a group as a TV writer (there's that collaboration theme again). After Brent describes the variety of writers who might make up a room. Brent describes (as a show-runner) sitting next to the “quiet” ones to help amplify their ideas in the room, and Bruce comments “the loudest person in the room isn’t always the funniest.”
Brent reminds Bruce of story writing advice he shared when they were both on the same show and says he still uses it when he’s stuck: “A story is usually about two people – take two characters and put them at war with each other.”
Brent asks Bruce what makes a show like Home Improvement hugely successful and Bruce gives this recipe: 1) A likable star 2) originality and 3) hitting a cultural “moment” in just the right way.
Bruce tells a story about developing a line with Tim Allen and the result “A little lox goes a long way” becomes my second new mantra of the day.
Bruce uses a tennis analogy to talk about getting started on your own. He says when you’re playing on the court there are two people there, the guy hitting the ball and the guy in your head telling you that you suck. You need to learn to like yourself if you want to get anywhere.
It’s becoming a Go Day tradition for Brent Forrester wrap up the day and he does his usual amazing job.
Brent says being brave enough to research and write journalistically about things you haven’t done and groups you’re not a part of is important for the growth of a writer. He says if you can find the courage to do that, you can eliminate the competition.
Brent often mentions Judd Apatow’s advice to tell highly personal stories, but today he adds something new. He describes sharing his concerns with Apatow about encouraging people to try for a career in show business when it’s so hard to be successful. Apatow’s response is that you should always encourage people to make art as long as you are encouraging them to do it therapeutically and honestly. Judd Apatow has been added to my list of personal heroes, I will defend him to the death.
Brent offers to answer questions, so I raise my hand and ask how I can get myself to write the last 7000 words of my 80,000 word novel before I attend a pitching event. I’m avoiding the writing, so Brent suggests I do a ”vomit pass” which echoes something Bruce said earlier – “if you get something down it will get better.”
Another writer asks about a project he’s just starting and Brent emphasizes how important it is to have friends who are also writers both for accountability and to remind yourself that what you’re writing about is INTERESTING to other people.
As always Brent reminds us to start creating art, whether it’s paying $200 and putting on your own show or taking that improv comedy class that scares you. I’m in!
Vanessa & Jamie thank our speakers, agree that coffee is important even if it’s difficult to provide and send us on our way. Only one month to the next Go Day!
https://catherinecoan.com (Catherine)
Callings-Finding and Following an Authentic Life by Gregg Levoy (Jonathan)
Kidderco.com – (Jonathan)
Kiddervibes (Jonathan) Instagram for adults
Possibilitopia Instagram for kids (Jonathan)
The UnUrban Café - will let you do a one person show (Brent)
The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield (Brent & Jamie)
Zen and the Art of Playing Tennis by Agam Bernardini (Bruce)
The coffee is worth it and Apatow rules.
Dynasty Dygest — March 26th
Photo Recap: Maisel Goys

On Saturday March 23rd, Kevin T. Porter and Alice Wetterlund brought their podcast The Marvelous Maisel Goys to life by transforming the Dynasty Typewriter stage into the Gaslight Cafe in 1959 to talk all about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Part podcast, part stand-up, all marvelous. Maisel tov!
Photos by LeizlWasHere
Dynasty Dygest
Time Out presents L.A. Comedians To Watch — 2019

Every year, Time Out LA has publishes list of Comics to Watch in Los Angeles. On March 15th at Dynasty Typewriter, Jane Borden hosted a stand-up show featuring comedians from that list, including: Natalie Palamides, Matt O'Brien, Mo Welch, Atsuko Okatsuka, Nate Jackson, Merrill Davis, Jared Goldstein, Katrina Davis, and Casey Ley.
Photography by Kelly Dwyer
Wowees n' whoopees, LA WEEKLY included us in their BEST OF LA issue! We're flattered, honored and yessss we're blushin'.
Conan Plugs Dynasty Typewriter
TONIGHT is the latest installment of Team Coco’s monthly event, Up & Up with Moses Storm. To add to your doubtless excitement, WATCH THIS VIDEO and hear CONAN shout out the Dynasty Typewriter website. Conan saying the words "Dynasty Typewriter" is just a surreal delight.
For date and showtimes, visit: https://www.dynastytypewriter.com/team-coco
Photo Recap: Dynasty Typewriter At SXSW

We had a great time bringing a little bit of the Dynasty flavor to SXSW in Austin, Texas! The show was a success, with a packed room at Esther’s Follies and a lineup of twinkling stars including: Paul F Tompkins, Busy Philipps, Kurt Braunohler, Debra DiGiovanni, Megan Gailey and a cameo from internet yoga sensation, Yoga with Adriene’s Adriene Mishler. We LOVED the show, everyone killed, but you know what… we missed you Dynasty. We were reminded other crowds are… rowdy! Luckily the all-star cast served the drunk German heckler and her friends (is it still heckling if she wasn’t mean? Just like, loud?) some comedic justice (coming soon to TruTV jk but it would be good.)
Photos by Mindy Tucker
😊 So GLADSBY for GADSBY + 👽Doing our part to keep AUSTIN weird + 📯👯 Bugles n' Bechdels n' Benitos and more!💫
Happy to report it’s been another great week at the Dynasty. Since last we’ve corresponded, HANNAH GADSBY has begun her run of shows, and they have been absolutely wonderful, as has she, as are her audiences! Turns out good people attract good people! So stick with the good ones and…. good stuff happens. (Still working on that adage.) In addition to Hannah’s shows, we had a screening of BOBCAT GOLDTHWAIT’s film about the legendary Barry Crimmins, CALL ME LUCKY, hosted by Bobcat himself. Saturday we had the bittersweet honor of hosting the last ever KEVIN POLLAK CHAT SHOW, which is retiring after a 10 year run of talking to everyone cool. The show was great, with a hangry PAMELA ADLON and a dapper JIM JEFFERIES as the perfectly pitched high notes to go out on. SUNDAY we had an absolutely delightful GO DAY, and got creative advice and inspirations from the usual suspects: an amateur taxidermist, a show runner, a psychic puppeteer, and a tv-writer turned novelist. If those aren’t your usual suspects, you’re hangin’ around at the wrong Go Days, honey! Also of note, a Llama Puppet saw into Jamie’s heart (and throat chakra) and gave some tender advice on speaking his mind. Watch out, jerkwads, Flam is gonna start tellin' like it is! A rough n’ tumble Bunny Puppet told Vanessa it’s good for her to be living in her power with her sword out (?) and also, before bed encouraged everyone to ask themselves “Why was today the best day ever?” Listen, if a puppet says gratitude is the antidote for all that ails us, we’re going to listen.
Guess what?! We’re taking the Dynasty eastward this week and putting on a show at SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST. We’re honored to be asked and stoked to do it. The show will be called “That’s Enchantertainment™” and we’ll have PAUL F. TOMPKINS, BUSY PHILIPPS, KURT BRAUNOHLER, DEBRA DIGIOVANNI, MEGAN GAILEY, and… YOGA WITH ADRIENE. We’ll be putting on the big shebang at Esther’s Follies this Friday at 10pm, so if you’re attending the fest, stop by and attend this too!
THIS WEEK! Did you think we’d slow down? Oh nooooo, honeys. We’ve got to keep on movin’! Hannah’s reign continues, and TONIGHT we also have DANIEL WEBB’s stand-up comedy play, Parfait! This month he’s joined by the fabulous faces of SOLOMON GEORGIO, ATSUKO OKATSUKA, SYDNEE WASHINGTON, MATTHEW BROUSSARD and more! WEDNESDAY at 10:30, the whirlwind that is BENITO SKINNER will be back for his second sold-out show. FRIDAY at 10, come check out the final stop of the Comedy Royalty Tour! SATURDAY at 10pm, buckle up because it’s a PODCAST MASHUP! WHoahhhhh! Yes, The Daily Zeitgeist fellows (JACK O’BRIEN and MILES GREY) and joining up with the women of The Bechedel Cast (CAITLIN DURANTE and JAMIE LOFTUS) to dissect the news, trends, and movies from… 1999. Yep.
SUNDAY madmen JOEY GREER and MIKE CASTLE share the stage for the improvised broguish delight that is Irishprov. MONDAY the fine people of Harmontown take over, and TUESDAY we’ve got two great shows- ANDY ZALTZMAN’s bringing his smash hit podcast The Bugle across the pond, splashing it right smack tab into the Dynasty! Then JULIO TORRES will be onstage at 10, talking about (what else?) his favorite shapes.
PS: We also wanted to tell you, we’re serving coffee! Yes, we’re now a brew-hub for DynaBrew™, so the next time you're at a show, grab yourself a cuppa Joe Dynasty, or if you’re of the herbal persuasion, a cuppa Dyna’sTea. (Tea serving is currently limited to matinees and Maron shows. We have our reasons.)
Photo Recap: The Lucas Bros present A Will To Believe

On Feb 23rd, our friend’s The Lucas Bros presented a brand new hour of comedy, exploring topics such as Will Smith, William James, religion, politics and many more. Through their comedic examination, the Bros helped restore their faith in believing because nihilism is too expensive. The show also included performances by special guests: Sasheer Zamata, Byron Bowers Quinta Brunson, Brandon Wardell, Heather Pasternak, Mookie Thompson, Blake Webber, and Steph Tolev.
Photography by: Steven Tucker