Daniel Fazio Daniel Fazio

Randy Feltface

Randy started doing stand-up comedy in 2005 and has since given birth to seven critically acclaimed solo shows. He has appeared at Fringe, Comedy and Music festivals, performed on major stages in regal theatres and gigged in sticky-carpeted beer-barns from Edinburgh to Hong Kong, Galway to New York and Singapore to Sydney. Between occasional guest appearances on Australian light-entertainment television programs, Randy has spent a significant amount of time writing and touring with his musical partner in crime, Sammy J. Together they have hosted the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala, appeared on Good News World, Q&A and The Project, written and toured live shows such as Bin Night, The Inheritance and Sammy J and Randy Land, performed a few times at The Sydney Opera House, released an album and a couple of DVDs, been nominated for two ARIAs and featured on the Neil Patrick Harris Gala at the 2015 Montreal Just For Laughs Festival.


Randy started doing stand-up comedy in 2005 and has since given birth to seven critically acclaimed solo shows.  He has appeared at Fringe, Comedy and Music festivals, performed on major stages in regal theatres and gigged in sticky-carpeted beer-barns from Edinburgh to Hong Kong, Galway to New York and Singapore to Sydney. Between occasional guest appearances on Australian light-entertainment television programs, Randy has spent a significant amount of time writing and touring with his musical partner in crime, Sammy J. Together they have hosted the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala, appeared on Good News WorldQ&A and The Project, written and toured live shows such as Bin NightThe Inheritance and Sammy J and Randy Land, performed a few times at The Sydney Opera House, released an album and a couple of DVDs, been nominated for two ARIAs and featured on the Neil Patrick Harris Gala at the 2015 Montreal Just For Laughs Festival. 

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