
Dear darlings,

Jamie and Vanessa here. We’re taking a little break from our usual cheeky VanJam correspondence in an attempt to be our even MORE real, even MORE vulnerable selves! Even admitting that was vulnerable, so we think we’re off to a great start. Ok, here goes: Vanessa is dealing with bursitis (because she just turned 5,000 years old, happy birthday ya old cow!) and is starting to realize Emergen-C™ and very generic vodka might not be the “health drink” she’s always claimed it is. Meanwhile, Jamie has joined forces (had his first video medical appointment) with a (hot!) doctor to address his “anxiety related chest and nausea issues” and is desperately trying to sob/cry out whatever this internal unrest is that is constantly choking him. Any recommendations for a good film, piece of art, or Youtube clip to make the tears flow?? Email them to us! The good news is that all of these things equate to us building character.  So, honey, our characters are gonna come out of this whole thing STACKED (chicka bow wow!) Is this what vulnerability is? Admitting icky truths? We’ll try to add some other layers, but it feels RIGHT to start with a little humiliating self-deprecation. Being human, areweright?! Lol! crying emoji

Now that that’s out of the way, let us acknowledge: NEW FLARPIN’ PRESIDENT! A MADAM Vice President! A JEWISH Second Gentleman! The Bernie memes we NEEDED and then very quickly DIDN’T NEED! AMANDA GORMAN inspiring and LIGHTING us up! Covid begone, our bodies need to make room for YOUTH LAUREATE FEVER!

We, like many other people, are feeling like lil’ groundhogs, so excited to peep out into a new world as soon as it’s a world safe for lil’ groundhogs! There’s optimism and with that optimism comes a desire for inertia and the beginning of a reckoning with the last 10 months of a very bleak day-to-day.  


We’re feeling antsy and excited! And also realizing it’s going to take some time to get to where we want to go! Yes, we’re going to have to sit with these ants in our sweatpants (you're welcome for that #steamyvisual) for… a while?


So yeah, it’s us, Jamie and Vanessa. We are... owners of a theater. We are empathic, silly people who are also, somehow... business people? We didn’t start a theater for the #bigbucks or for the SHOCKINGLY expensive and well-tailored corporate wardrobes we [don’t] have [yet]; we started Dynasty because we genuinely (and if you know us you’ve heard it many, many times) want to enchant the world. So for the last 10 months we’ve been trying to keep on enchanting and we’ve gotten to do so many things we’re proud of and are going to keep doing that! And while we don’t know when this will end, or what it will look like when it ends, we are seeing good things happen. Sure, bursitis and insomnia suck, but on the flip side, Vanessa’s other shoulder is getting JACKED. And Jamie can rest easier knowing that some of the best ideas are born out of FEVER DREAMS created by PENT UP EMOTIONS. 

<<Cut to our newest Dynasty offering>> 


DYNASTY SPAGNAUGHTTI STIXXX: Basically, it’s your typical microwavable spaghetti on a stick...but when you’ve eaten the spaghetti off the stick there’s a VERY erotic joke waiting for you featuring a guaranteed NSFW noodle pun! Email us for a taste. :) IS THAT A SPAGNAUGHTTI IN YOUR POCKET, OR JUST **&**!*!*!  !*!*!#*! !#&*!*!  ? 

Anyhoo! From the bottom of our hearts, we want to THANK YOU, our truly beloved community, for all the support, and for pivoting with us yet again. For showing up for livestreams, making the comments section feel like the lobby with your banter, emailing us sweet things, and just being your sweet, , art n’ laughter loving damn selves while we all try to find the New Enchanting™ amidst the very yucky (but improving!) new normal.

Now we’d love to tell you about COOL THINGS because now that we can’t sell popcorn honey, COOL THINGS are our currency.


RACHEL BLOOM  will be on the second installment of the delightful Side Hustle Podcast LIVE Thursday January 28th! Get tickets to here the Crazy-Ex Girlfriend star  talk about humiliating side jobs she had before she made it big, along with the delightful hosts SARAH LOWE and CHELSEA PHILLIPS REID.


On Saturday, Jan 30th JUSTIN SAYRE’S Midnight Movie Collective is set to serve up another camp play… are you ready for the noir dish that is Eggs at Midnight?! Drama! Comedy! Adultery!  MURDER! Plus your favorite humans including DANIELLE GAITHER, SAM PANCAKE, and DREW DROEGE. 


LASTLY! A cool thing by people we love that we think you will love: SF Sketchfest presents Festpocalypse! We love San Francisco, we love SFsketchfest, and we love the flarpin’ folks who created it. They, like everyone in the live entertainment business are feeling the crunch (to put it lightly) of not being able to do what they do. BUT THEY ARE DOIN’ SOMETHING! Check out FESTPOCALYPSE January 30th . Get tickets and support SF Sketchfest and also watch comedy icons. You welcome, baby!


One Year of Pandemic, So Many Lessons Learned


December Dygest: Ghosts, Love, and You