Live Photos Daniel Fazio Live Photos Daniel Fazio

Photo Recap: Go Day! w/Fred Armisen

Photos from the November edition of Go Day featuring Fred Armisen.

On Nov 2nd it was Jamie’s birthday AND our best GoDay! yet! (We’ve decided GoDay! has an exclamation point in her name for #branding and #marketing purposes, but when used within a sentence it provides issues for #grammar purposes. Such is life! We’ll attend more #marketingseminars and figure this whole thing out in our #sparetime.) So, back to GoDay!: Double Scorpio Edition. We had the extreme pleasure of having FRED ARMISEN on the lineup and he exceeded our (unfairly high) expectations. We had a great interview about his creative process, and then he treated us to an anti-meditation on guitar and a bit of HAYDN on the piano. Atsuko got the whole crowd dancing and Jamie and Vanessa were discovered by scouts for America’s Next Sexiest Dancers but we turned them down because we got a flarkin' theater to run. Laura House reminded us that just by reconnecting with our breath we can go on a little vacation right inside our own body at any time. Barry and Jason turned audience suggestions into games and reminded us how much joy quickly committing to an idea and diving in brings. And of course there were cakes covered in scorpions. We’d tell you more, but honestly, you had to be there and also why weren’t you there? GoDay! is the best and it’s also free! Reserve your seats now for Dec 7th! To further stoke the flames of your GOMO™ (guarantee of missing out) take a look at Troy Conrad’s beautiful photos from the event.

See the full album here →

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Daniel Fazio Daniel Fazio

Dynasty Dygest: Nov 5th



Sweet November Darlings!

Can you feel that November magic!? WE CAN AND WE LOVE IT. We’re still riding high from October’s finale (we won’t mention The New York Times article again, oops except for that time !) and can’t wait to harness all our happy energy into this magical month. Last week October went out with a “wheeee” with our final Halloween event, a cozy screening of Young Frankenstein. Then, in comes Novembie, flipping her hair and making us all go awwwooooga! October, we’ll never forget you… but we gotta spend some time with this other month now. Friday we loved the Asian American Film Thing (turns out, the “thing” was a show! And it was great!) and then on Saturday it was Jamie’s birthday AND our best GoDay! yet! (We’ve decided GoDay! has an exclamation point in her name for #branding and #marketing purposes, but when used within a sentence it provides issues for #grammar purposes. Such is life! We’ll attend more #marketingseminars and figure this whole thing out in our #sparetime.) So, back to GoDay!: Double Scorpio Edition. We had the extreme pleasure of having FRED ARMISEN on the lineup and he exceeded our (unfairly high) expectations. We had a great interview about his creative process, and then he treated us to an anti-meditation on guitar and a bit of HAYDN on the piano. Atsuko got the whole crowd dancing and Jamie and Vanessa were discovered by scouts for America’s Next Sexiest Dancers but we turned them down because we got a flarkin' theater to run. Laura House reminded us that just by reconnecting with our breath we can go on a little vacation right inside our own body at any time. Barry and Jason turned audience suggestions into games and reminded us how much joy quickly committing to an idea and diving in brings. And of course there were cakes covered in scorpions.  We’d tell you more, but honestly, you had to be there and also why weren’t you there? GoDay! is the best and it’s also free! Reserve your seats now for Dec 7th! To further stoke the flames of your GOMO™ (guarantee of missing out) take a look at Troy Conrad’s beautiful photos from the event. 

Saturday night was a private party version of The Crossword Show with some very notable people but due to us being classy and all we won’t name names. Just know it was very cool.  Sunday we had Angela Yee’s Lip Service: Live and it was a stage-full of goodness including Gilbert "The Hibachi" Arenas and Damon Dash whose names we are naming because it was a public event. (More classy etiquette coming up in a sec.) Harmontown was Monday, and they Harmoned to a sold-out house! Actually, ALL of the remaining Harmontown shows are SOLD OUT. If you really really really want tickets, here is some advice in our new E-mail advice section "E-Mail E-Tiquette for E-Veryone" from our E-Published E-Book by the same name:

1.) Don’t send angry and entitled emails! Dynasty never lies about being sold out and an acerbic tone doesn’t help your case. In general, don’t send angry emails to people you’re hoping will help you because people on the other end of your communications have feelings too and if you want a human connection (or if you really want to manipulate someone!) kindness is a much better tactic. Angry emails may fly at Jersey Mike's or Burlington Coat Factory, but at Dynasty we respond to sweetness (and low stakes bribery). All that in mind, if we are able to release any tickets, we’ll post about them on our IG stories, so follow those. 

<<DEEP BREATH to reconnect with our breath and go on a little vacation right inside our own body >>

Now onto THIS week of delights! TONIGHT we’re hosting a benefit for the lovely non-profit Stand Up with Comedy that uses stand-up comedy to change the lives of low-income youth by encouraging creativity, self-confidence, and the belief that their ideas are unique and valuable. They’ve put together a helluva lineup! SABRINA JALEES, TOM PAPA, FORTUNE FEIMSTER and more! So, attend and support a great cause AND reap the personal benefits of laughter and a night out for yourself too. Multi-tasking.  WEDNESDAY we welcome poet, filmmaker and speaker MAX STOSSEL for his one man show, Words That Move  He’s going to be tackling topics like heartbreak, consciousness, the emotional state of the world and, of course, how dogs talk through rhythm and rhyme. THURSDAY  it’s our favorite twinset that isn’t The Olsens, it’s THE SKLAR BROTHERS! They’re coming Dynasty's way for their show Tag It! This show gives audiences a peek at the kind of riff sessions that happen in comedy club green rooms all over the world: Comedians perform their sets and then RANDY and JASON come out and pitch tags for the jokes in realtime. We have a few stale (BUT SOLID) knock-knock jokes we need to run past them for a punch-up, we’ll let you know the results. FRIDAY grab your friends…no, grab your FAMILY and come see our favorite big budget action-movie turned regular budget (but priceless!) musical, The Fast and The Furious: A Musical Parody! Cars haven’t made you feel this many feelings since Disney-Pixar’s CARS, but those cars don’t sing! So suck on that, Disney-Pixar! (They seem like a good company to pick a fight with! JK. We love you!) SATURDAY at 7pm come see Dynasty darling CAMERON ESPOSITO in Separately. She’ll make you laugh and also feel feelings and both of those things are scientifically proven to be “good.” SUNDAY we welcome our friends at VULTURE for Comedians You Should and Will Know- a part of Vulture Festival! We should and DO know the lineup, and its a very good one. We’re talkin’: HANNAH EINBINDER, VANESSA GONZALEZ, STEPH TOLEV, WHITMER THOMAS, DAVID GBORIE, IRENE TU and more! Come! KNOW THEM. Monday is another SOLD OUT Harmontown. See above blurb for Dynasty etiquette reminders! "DynEtiquette: because being a jerk serves no one!” 

Snugs, hugs, and sinus-problem plagued pugs,

Vanessa and Jamie
Tuesday Nov 5th | 8pm
Stand Up with Comedy

A fundraiser in support of low-income youth. Featuring comedy by Sabrina Jalees, Tom Papa, Fortune Feimster, Drew Lynch, Andy Peters, Matt Ritter, + More! 

Wednesday Nov 6th | 8pm
Max Stossel: Words That Move

A poetic journey through a variety of different perspectives with profound thinker, artist, and poet Max Stossel, named one of the best storytellers of the year by Forbes magazine. 

Thursday Nov 7th | 8pm
Tag It! — The Sklar Brothers
The Sklars pull back the curtain as to what it feels like to be in a writer’s room or green room when comedians pitch each other tags and riff in real time Featuring: Kyle Ayers, Jessimae Peluso, Jay Chandrasekar, Matt Braunger, Ryan Sickler, and Rhea Butcher. 

Friday, Nov 8th | 8pm
The Fast & The Furious

Come watch your favorite car-driving gang members battle their greatest foe yet-- singing and dancing at the same time.

Saturday, Nov 9th | 7pm
Cameron Esposito: Separately 
After runs in New York, London and Montreal, Cameron brings her new hour ‘Separately’ home to Los Angeles. 

Sunday, Nov 10th | 8pm
Comedians You Should and Will Know 
Vulture Festival presents an evening of comics who they believe will soon become household names. Featuring: Hannah Einbinder, Vanessa Gonzalez, Steph Tolev, Whitmer Thomas, David Gborie and Irene Tu.

Monday, Nov 11th | 8pm 

Dan Harmon, Jeff B. Davis, & Spencer Crittenden present their wildly popular podcast in front of a live audience. Join us for one of the final live performances. Shows  are selling out each week! 



Friday Nov 15th | 8pm + 10pm
Aisha Alfa w/Bill Burr
All Things Comedy invites you to a special comedy album recording event with Aisha Alfa. Actress, comedian, host, and public speaker from Toronto Aisha can be seen on CRIMINAL MINDS, DEGRASSI: THE NEW CLASS (now available on Netflix), ODD SQUAD (TVO/PBS), BEAVERTON (Comedy Network), and SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS (Facebook Watch). In addition to her on-screen work, Aisha has performed at clubs and festivals across South Africa, the U.S. and Canada, including the Trevor Noah Galas at Just For Laughs (Montreal), Montreux Festival (Switzerland) and the Winnipeg Comedy Festival. 

Purchase Tickets

Check out some pictures from our GoDay!: Double Scorpio Edition with special guests FRED ARMISEN, ATSUKO OKATSUKA, BARRY AND JASON, LAURA HOUSE, and more! 

Photos by the patron saint Troy Conrad!

See Photos Here

Coming Up in November 

Copyright © 2018* *Dynasty Typewriter*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2511 Wilshire Blvd, 90057

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Live Photos Daniel Fazio Live Photos Daniel Fazio

Photo Recap: Dynastyland Halloween

Photos from the 2019 Halloween Edition of Dynastyland.

Our first annual DynastyLand Halloween party was one for the BOOKS folks! Truly the most epic and wonderful and wild night the theater’s seen, and she’s seen some nights honey! The stage turned into a dance floor (and the dance floor was a show in itself), the greenroom had intimate shows going all night, free (AMAZING) VanLeeuwen ice cream flowed, tarot cards were read, a costume contest was had (all hail the fly!) and the saw kept sawin’. At midnight, Jamie and Vanessa reached peak happiness/surrealness (let’s pretend that’s a word) as they sat on stage, in the middle of a circle of bones with candles lit and held a seance for a packed house. The ghosts let it be known that they won’t be leaving the theater anytime soon… because they love it so dang much. Then they led a conga line! Awww, ghosties, we love ya, ya flarpin’ haunts

See the full album here →

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Daniel Fazio Daniel Fazio

Dynasty Dygest: Oct 29th



Sweet Sweet Darlings,

It’s hard to type when you’re WALKING ON AIIIIIIIIIR, but we’ll do our best! We’re coming off of one of the theater’s most epic weekends, sleep deprived but life enriched. Here’s why the weekend was so epic: Friday an article came out about us in the NY Times, two years to the day after we launched our Kickstarter to open the venue. It was the nicest portrait of us we ever could’ve ever hoped for, and included quotes from people we love and admire. (See below for images from the article!) It’s unbelievable. (Huge thanks to the amazing writer Julie Seabaugh!) We wanted to cry and revel, but there was just no time! Friday night at 10 Chicago comedy heartthrob Sarah Squirm had the LA debut of her show Helltrap Nightmare and it was wonderful and strange and beautifully/weirdly/disturbingly executed in and presented to a sold out house of beautiful weird wonderful people. Then Saturday The NY Times article ran in the actual physical paper! And it wasn’t holed away somewhere and edited down (which still would’ve fully thrilled us) it was the front page of the Arts section!

Again, we wanted to revel! But we had a party to throw! So it was all hands on deck all day, decorating the theater with spiderwebs and pumpkins and skeletons and (even more) electric candles until the 7pm show with Margaret Cho, Reggie Watts, Megan Gailey, Frankie Quiñones, the saw stylings of Becky Poole, and the host stylings of the perfect-haired Daniel (spider) Webb. Then not a beat was missed, (but the volume of said beat was raised) as we rolled right into the DynastyLand Halloween party. It was one for the BOOKS folks! Truly the most epic and wonderful and wild night the theater’s seen, and she’s seen some nights honey! The stage turned into a dance floor (and the dance floor was a show in itself), the greenroom had intimate shows going all night, free (AMAZING) VanLeeuwen ice cream flowed, tarot cards were read, a costume contest was had (all hail the fly!) and the saw kept sawin’. At midnight, Jamie and Vanessa reached peak happiness/surrealness (let’s pretend that’s a word) as they sat on stage, in the middle of a circle of bones with candles lit and held a seance for a packed house. The ghosts let it be known that they won’t be leaving the theater anytime soon… because they love it so dang much. Then they led a conga line! Awww, ghosties, we love ya, ya flarpin’ haunts. Sunday we hosted our first ever kids event, and the theater was full of L’il Dynamos! We watched vintage cartoons! Chased a ghost! Saw a creepy marionette get put in his place and Joel Ward, a real sunbeam of a magician, delighted the kids of all ages. The epic weekend came to a fittingly epic end with a sold-out live show of Bill Burr’s Monday Morning podcast. We wanted to revel! But we were too tired. 
Now let’s talk about days ahead in this beautiful week that will saunter us right into November. (THE BEST MONTH OF THEM ALL. #DoubleScorp) TONIGHT! It’s the Halloween season, but what could be scarier than true love and intimacy!? Come tonight and see Valentine’s Day is for Suckers, a Valentine’s related album recording for Virtual Comedy featuring some amazing folks including: EDDIE PEPITONE! BEN ROY! CP POWELL! ERICA RHODES! GUY BRANUM! JODI MILLER! and JOE PRAINO! WEDNESDAY it’s the classiest team of improvisors ever, it’s Workjuice Improv! Featuring the fine n’ fancy: MARC EVAN JACKSON (if you’re not obsessed with him on The Good Place, what are you waiting for?!), ANNIE SAVAGE, PAUL F. TOMPKINS, MARC GAGLIARDI, ANNIE SAVAGE, and of course Little JANET VARNEY. With piano from JONATHAN DINERSTEIN! "Improv backed by piano, just like the good old days!” ~ unknown  

THURSDAY is Halloween! And we’re so excited to screen one of our all-time favorite movies, Young Frankenstien! Join us for a special Halloween screening of the comedy classic YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN at the Dynasty! And what’s Halloween without an option to get realllll treated? Participate in our MEL LOOKS costume contest by rocking a look from any Mel Brooks project (you could be Doctor Frankenstein! A producer! A Spaceball!) or come dressed as Mel himself. Him sMELf?

FRIDAY we host an Asian American Film Thing, a celebration of Asian American filmmakers through screenings, comedy,  and conversation. There’s also the promise of a musical treat at the end of the show and a raffle, so honestly there’s nothing to hold you back. Performers include: APARNA NANCHERLA, MISS SHU MAI, JASHON CHU and NITEMRKT, and videos from a bevy of artists. 

SATURDAY is another edition of Go Dayat 2pm. Our free monthly event designed to enchant and inspire our community. If you want to get to know us or the space more intimately, connect with likeminded DynaHeads, and get creative advice from some of our very favorite people.. this is the place and time to do it! We LOVE it. This month is made even MORE special because Go Day falls on one MR. JAMIE FLAM’s birthday. (And a mere two weeks before VANESSA’s!) So if you have a guilt-attendance to get off your chest, this would be a GREAT time to do it.   
"Please the scorpion’s heart and he may spare you his tail.” ~ Unknown 
DOUBLESCORP (Jamie & Vanessa)

We’re in the NY Times!

We can’t believe it. We’re in the NY Times! And it’s NOT an expose or a whistleblower thing!!! It’s... really really nice! Huge thanks to writer Julie Seabaugh for such a thoughtful piece. And huge thanks to the talent who has shared their work on our stage, the audiences who have trusted us with their nights out, and of course to the god or spiritual entity who invented the popping kind of corn. 
Read The Full Article
Tuesday Oct 29th | 8pm
Valentine's Is For Suckers  

A live recording for a compilation album featuring Valentine's related stories and stand-up. Featuring Ben Roy, Chris Powell, Eddie Pepitone, Erica Rhodes, Guy Branum, Jodi MIller, Joe Praino, + More!

Wednesday Oct 30h | 8pm
Workjuice Improv

The improvisors from the cast of the legendary Thrilling Adventure Hour throw the scripts aside for an evening of improv! Featuring: Craig Cackowski, Marc Evan Jackson, Hal Lublin, Annie Savage, Paul F. Tompkins, Mark Gagliardi, and Little Janet Varney with special guest Grey Delise. 

Thursday Oct 30th | 9pm
Young Frankenstein 
Join us for a special Halloween screening of the comedy classic! And what’s Halloween without an option to get realllll treated? Participate in our MEL LOOKS costume contest by rocking a look from any Mel Brooks project (you could be Doctor Frankenstien! A producer! A Spaceball!) or come dressed as Mel himself. Him sMELff?

Friday, Nov 1st | 8pm
Asian American Film Thing

A celebration of Asian- American filmmakers by screening their work. Hosted by:
Angel Yau, Becky Yamamoto and Anna Suzuki. Featuring Jason Chu + NITEMRKT, Aparna Nancherla, and Miss Shu Mai, + More! 

Saturday, Nov 2nd | 2pm
Go Day *FREE*

Dynasty Typewriter's monthly dose of enchantertainment™ for artists, entrepreneurs, or anyone looking for a little extra creative inspiration. Hosted by Jamie + Vanessa with special guests Rebecca Leib, Barry McLaughlin, Atsuko Okatsuka, and Rachel Brodeur.

Monday, Nov 4th | 8pm 

Dan Harmon, Jeff B. Davis, & Spencer Crittenden present their wildly popular podcast in front of a live audience. Join us for one of the final live performances. Shows  are selling out each week! 


Friday Dec 6th | 8pm
Minor Adventures with Topher Grace
Speed dating! Song writing! Day trading! Mind reading! All mini-adventures you’ll take with Topher Grace and a different celebrity guest each week. Topher and executive producer Sim Sarna tackle everything from taking a lie detector test to having a seance to learning how to beatbox…and each time their guest has absolutely no idea what’s in store for them! Featuring: Natasha Leggero, Moshe Kasher, and Special Musical Guest.

Purchase Tickets
Our wonderful photographer Troy Conrad magnificently captured so many of the evening's moments and activities. All his photos can be seen here. Hopefully you're in there somewhere! If not, perhaps you took a photobooth pic with our skeleton pals? All those pictures can be found here. Feel free to tag us on your socials (@dynastytypewriter) because... in the game of social media tag, everyone is always it. (We don’t know what that means either.)
See Photos Here

November Calendar Highlights

Copyright © 2018* *Dynasty Typewriter*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2511 Wilshire Blvd, 90057

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Daniel Fazio Daniel Fazio

Dynasty Dygest: Oct 22



We hope that life is treating you right, challenging you, and respecting your boundaries while still encouraging your evolution as a human in a loving way. We also hope y'all ready to PARRRRTAYYYY! We’re getting very, very - nearly excruciatingly - excited for our bevy of Halloween events! We also have like, five million things to do to prepare, so forgive us (or thank us?! Do you hate these?) for the relative brevity of this edition of your Dygest.

Last week was loooovely. Dan Harmon fell in love with Flula Borg . (How could he not?! He makes us associate Germans with “upbeat feel good comedy” which we did NOT see coming. It’s great for their brand. Germany, take note! Knight him! Or whatever your government’s vanity option is.) Zach Sherwin hosted another 5 star edition of The Crossword Show and contestant Emily Heller took home the prize and the glory. She’s SMART. Keep her on your side. Melissa Villaseñor sang her heart out and her friends ate that heart up and gave it back to her in the form of adoration. Judah Friedlander actually should be the future President, like, for real. He crowd-worked that audience into a (safe and delighted) frenzy. Eliot Glazer's Haunting Renditions was even moooore haunting with the addition of a Masked Singer situation! (The situation was, in fact, Nicole Byer. Not the notorious “The Situation” Mike Sorrentino brought into this world via the nefarious portal of the program Jersey Shore and recently released from prison after serving a sentence for tax evasion. I know, it seems impossible that someone like The Situation would do that. As Lellyan Dynasty used to say, "be wary of who you make your heroes, darlings." And then she'd hock a loogie into a boot.) 

Saturday we had two wonderful shows with wonderful folks, why don't you just color us lucky! Felicia Day’s book release event
was sold out, and the house was packed with happy, lovely, attentive people, ready to embrace their weird (title of her book but also the general mood.) Felicia and Will Wheaton were engaging and hilarious, and our own Samee Junio served as a handrail as people came to the stage to get their books signed. Now, THAT’s The Dynasty Difference™. Saturday night was Danny Jolles jawin’ for an hour, and we honestly would’ve watched him for 3 more. Danny is the perfect combination of heart, optimism and realism. Oh, and he is, like The TBS Channel, very funny. Sunday’s Everything’s Great was SpooOoOoky, especially because Addie didn’t even show up in the flesh! She showed up IN THE SPIRIT. Yes, there was a ghost host in the house and we flarkin' loved it. 

NOW IT’S THIS WEEK! TONIGHT it’s the dream team of Up & Up serving it Sunnyside Up (& Up!) TEAM COCO’s wünderchild MOSES STORM will host and the rest of the cast of Hulu’s SUNNYSIDE will invade! We’ve got JOEL KIM BOOSTER, AYO EDEBIRI, SAMBA SCHUTTE, KIRAN DEOL and KAL PENN! THURSDAY it’s the storytelling show comprised of stories that thought they’d never be told… RISK! It’s a podcast, it’s a show, it’s hosted by DAVID CRABB, and it features a line-up of different storytellers each time. This month’s edition includes IFY NWADIWE, NICOLE BLAINE, and MARA WILSONFRIDAY Time Out LA presents LA’S Comics To Watch: LA STORIES! With host JANE BORDEN and a bevy of talent including JAMES DAVIS, PAUL DOWNS, AHMED BHAROOCHA and more! SATURDAY... its’ the day we’ve been waiting for! **Our Halloween celebrations BEGIN!** First up, at 7pm come for an epic Dynasty BooNight  a lineup of our very favorite folks including MARGARET CHO! REGGIE WATTS! FORTUNE FEIMSTER! MEGAN GAILEY! FRANKIE QUINOÑES! plus puppets and a real life SAW PLAYER! ("You'll have to Saw it to believe it!" Awechhh! Ploot! - Lellyan Dynasty) and hosted by our eternal love, DANIEL (spider!) WEBB!  Getting a ticket for the show INCLUDES your ticket for the DYNASTYLAND party afterwards! (You can also get DynastyLand tickets separately, but like, why?!) We’ll have a bar for the night, the theater will be decked out with spoooooky things, and we’ll be partying DynastyLand style starting at 9pm.  (DynastyLand style = we open up all the nooks and crannies of the theater for you to explore in an immersive, multi-room party extravaganza!)  We’ll have tricks, treats, performances, dancing, seancing, puppets, drinks, and goodies from our friends at Old Pal Provisions (we’ll call smoking weed “blowin’ ghosts!” for the night! Isn’t that fun?) and sweeties from our friends at VanLeeuwen Ice cream.  

SUNDAY we’re doing our first public family event! After hosting some VERY delightful birthday parties for our nearest and dearest kids, we’re doing it up for you!  Bring your kids, bring the whole fam, or just bring yourself- at 2pm it’s a Li’l Dynamos Halloween party. We’ll be screening vintage Halloween cartoons, having a costume parade (with prizes!), handing out candy, and attempting to turn our award-winning Owl’sBeard cotton candy into adorable ghosts. Photo ops will abound, so bring your kids before they wreck their costumes at school and trick or treating!  

Sunday night we have BILL BURR, but it totally sold out to his podcast fans before we were even allowed to announce it! (Sorry Bill Burr fans! Maybe next time! FYI, we don't respond well, or at all, to aggression!)

MONDAY is one of the few remaining Harrmontown live podcasts. As of the moment of sending this email, that show is not yet sold out, so if you want to see the gang live before the show wraps up, get one of the remaining tickets quick!

Oh so much to do! So many spiderwebs to spread!

See you this weekend!
Jamie and Vanessa

PS: Even though we technically shouldn’t mention it until next newsletter, we’d be remiss not to remind you that on HALLOWEEN itself we’re screening one of our very favorite movies, Young Frankenstein. Come watch the Mel Brooks’ classic on the big screen for a guaranteed ALL  TREAT night. Come dressed as your favorite character from the Mel Brooks-iverse for a chance to WIN BIG PRIZES. (Probably Lindt!) 
Tuesday Oct 22nd | 8pm
Up & Up w/ Moses Storm

Conan O’Brien’s Team Coco presents an all-new comedy and musical experience hosted by Moses Storm. Featuring special guests Kal Penn, Joel Kim Booster, Ayo Edebiri, Samba Schutte, Kiran Deol, and music by Strange Hotels!

Thursday Oct 24th | 9pm
RISK! is a live show and podcast where people tell true stories they never thought they'd dare to share. Featuring: Nicole Blaine, Oscar Sagastume, Mara Wilson, + Ify Nwadiwe!

Friday, Oct 25th | 8pm
LA Stories

Come laugh with this lineup of top local comics as they tell jokes and tales about life in the City of Angels. w/ Ahmed Bharoocha, Debra DiGiovanni, Paul Downs, Kevin Camia, David Crabb, + Lizzy Cooperman.

Saturday, Oct 25th | 10pm
Helltrap Nightmare

Chicago's favorite comedy-horror freakshow, HELLTRAP NIGHTMARE, has risen from their coffins in the midwest to come haunt LA from now until their brains fall out!

Friday, Oct. 26th | 7pm
Dynasty BOO-Night!
An evening of comedy and enchantertainment! Ft/ Margaret Cho, Reggie Watts, Fortune Feimster, Megan Gailey, Frankie Quinones, Huge Mystery Guest, + More! Come for the show and get first access to the party after!

Saturday Oct 26th | 9:30pm — 2am 
Dynastyland Halloween

An Immersive Multiroom Party Experience featuring Secret Seance, Comedy, & Magic Shows! Trick-or-Treat Scavenger Hunt! Costume Contest! Dyngo! (Bingo) Glow-In-The-Dark Dance Party! Intoxicating Snacks & Boo-verages! And Much Much More!!

Sunday, Oct 27th | 2pm 
Li'l Dynamos
Halloween Party for Kiddos!

Grab your kid, your niece and nephew, and bring the whole famn-damily down to the Dynasty we’ll be watching VINTAGE HALLOWEEN cartoons! Having a COSTUME PARADE with PRIZES and hosting lil’ trick and treat areas for your lil tricky treats! 

Sunday, Oct. 27th | 8pm
Bill Burr — Monday Morning Podcast 
Monday Morning Podcast is a bi-weekly comedy podcast hosted by comedian, actor and celebrity podcaster Bill Burr. It was independently recorded from May 2007 until October 2012, when it became a part of the All Things Comedy podcast network, which was founded by Burr and Al Madrigal.
Monday, Oct 28th | 8pm 

Dan Harmon, Jeff B. Davis, & Spencer Crittenden present their wildly popular podcast in front of a live audience. Join us for one of the final live performances. Shows  are selling out each week! 


Saturday Nov 16th | 8pm
Amanda Seales — Small Doses Live
Some people can’t handle the truth but Amanda Seales decided a while ago that she was going to be as real with herself as possible, and it’s worked out pretty well! Not one to keep the goodness to herself the comedian, and professional gem dropper will be sharing what she has learned in a live recording of her podcast, Small Doses. 

Purchase Tickets

Thursday, Oct 31st | 8pm 
Young Frankenstein

Join us for a special Halloween screening of the comedy classic YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN at the Dynasty! And what’s Halloween without an option to get realllll treated? Participate in our MEL LOOKS costume contest by rocking a look from any Mel Brooks project (you could be Doctor Frankenstien! A producer! A Spaceball!) or come dressed as Mel himself. Him sMELff?

Copyright © 2018* *Dynasty Typewriter*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2511 Wilshire Blvd, 90057

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Daniel Fazio Daniel Fazio

Dynasty Dygest: Oct 15th


Hello boos!

We’re at the halfway point of October, so if you haven’t gotten your wheels spinning on a costume, honey get ON that. If it’s something you’re interested in doing. If it isn’t something you want to do PLEASE disregard the previous sentence entirely because we NEED TO STAY RELATABLE to our ENTIRE audience.  "We like the things YOU like, which makes you like us!” - Jamie and Vanessa (🙂 we need therapy. 🙂) 

Last week was SO likable you’d 'a loved it! We had a private event on Tuesday that featured FATLIP from the PHARCYDE OPEN MIKE EAGLE, PETE HOLMES, and RON FUNCHES. We were able to invite a few Dynasty folks at the last minute (via the newsletter! remember? "There is value in the newsletter!” our version of “there’s always money in the banana stand”) and it was a great show, packed house, and it had it all: raps, laughs, and wine in Capri Sun style pouches. Aside: Capri Sun is the most chic juice name of all time. Motts, Hi C, Juicy Juice… BABY NAMES. And then, Capri Sun. It’s so evocative! You can smell the salt air! Feel the texture of the cave wall in the blue grotto. Capri Sun: it conjures the elegance of a simple silk shift dress, the luxury of a long stay in an old villa, the nostalgia of summers past and the hope of endless summers to come. CAPRI SUN. Anyway. We also had a mind-blowing comedy and magic show (thank you HARRISON GREENBAUM!) a two show night from Irish sketch sensations FOIL ARMS and HOG (very sensational!) the return of Dynasty darling CAMERON ESPOSITO, a wild horror marathon / potluck that kept us adrenaline fueled for 12 hours and the always amazing LET’S GO ATSUKO

This week is a really lovely one. Yes, of course, we love ALL our weeks but this week feels like a sampler platter of chef’s favorites. TONIGHT it’s the show that will take whatever preconceptions you have about what a crossword puzzle show might be like and DESTROYYYY THEM! It’s ZACH SHERWIN’s THE CROSSWORD SHOW. Three hilarious panelists (EMILY HELLER, JANELLE JAMES, AHMED BHAROOCHA) one amazing host (hey, ZACH!) a wildly crafted puzzle, the answers to which open wormhole after wormhole resulting in an amazing, high energy, multi-media comedy show that makes you feel like a genius. (This show will have an afterparty! Get tickets to get invited!) 

WEDNESDAY you know her, you love her, SNL’s darling MELISSA VILLASEÑOR is going to be in the house for her album release party! She’s releasing a flarpin' music album, DREAMER, and she’s performing the album at Dynasty. We are so excited to listen and celebrate, won’t you join us?! (PS this event ALSO has an afterparty! How lucky are you!? We’re like a non-problematic R Kelly song up in here, if such a thing existed. WHICH IT DOESN’T. ) 

THURSDAY we have two delightful madmen in the house, and we’ve kept ourselves busy making a venn diagram of where we think their audiences overlap and where they veer off, and it’s been a great exercise (in making venn diagrams.) First up at 8pm we’ve got JUDAH FRIEDLANDER in a stop on his Future President tour! He’ll be taking questions from the audience and putting on a one of a kind show just for you. JUDAH: the leader we deserve. Then at 10pm it’s the triumphant return of BRETT GELMAN (if you haven’t watched him in FLEABAG do it right NOW.) Brett puts on shows unlike anything else- if intense comedy variety was a genre, we’d file this squarely there. Come, experience the dark magic! 

FRIDAY it’s one of our favorite shows and it’s name fits in so well this month! ELIOT GLAZER’s Haunting Renditions (spoooooky!) Eliot makes bad music reallll good by using his amazing voice, an orchestra, and some very special guests. How special!? This week he has GEORGIA HARDSTARK (My Favorite Murder!) DANNY PELLIGRINO (Everything Iconic) and NICOLE BYER (Nailed It). So come and watch unfortunate songs get the redemption of a lifetime. 

SATURDAY is brimming with crazy goodness from two wonderful people!  At 2pm the amazing FELICIA DAY will be here, hosting a release for her inspiring book Embrace Your Weird (that’s like our whole thing!) and in the evening My Crazy Ex Girlfriend’s  DANNY JOLLES will be talking for about an hour.  SUNDAY it’s Everything’s Great: Halloween edition! EVERYTHING’S….. SPOOOOOOOOKY! With JOEL KIM BOOSTER! LARA BEITX! NAOMI EKPERIGAN! GRETA TITLEMAN! And of course your terrifying hosts, NICK KOCHER, DEMI ADEJUYIGBE and ADDIE  WEYRICH. 

You’ve probably heard by now about the awesome quartreat of Halloween events we’re offering at the theater, because we told you! But this feels like the appropriate time to remind you, because we’re VERY excited about all of them. We’ve got a Dynasty Boo-Night  with a great lineup (MARGARET CHO, REGGIE WATTS and more!) a massive DynastyLand Halloween party with dancing and entertaining and drinks and surprises. Our first FAMILY event, The Li’l Dynamos Halloween party with vintage cartoons, spooky puppets, and a costume parade, and on Halloween night we’ll be screening Young Frankenstein  That’s a guaranteed TREAT folks. 

Yours in harmless mischief, 

Jamie and Vanessa 
Tuesday Oct 15th | 8pm
The Crossword Show with Zach Sherwin

Special Guests Emily Heller, Janelle James, + Ahmed Bharoocha solve a crossword live onstage in front of an audience, with the puzzle projected on a screen so the crowd can follow the action.

Wed Oct 16th | 8pm
Mellisa Villaseñor 
Come listen and celebrate the debut music album “Dreamer” from the Saturday Night Night star.  

Thursday, Oct 17th | 8pm
Judah Friedlander

Hilarious, profound satire with endless one liners & seemless crowd work. Judah Friedlander is a singular performer. His Future President stand-up show is American satire at its most creative, incisive, and funny.

Thursday, Oct 17th | 10pm
Brett Gelman — Live

An evening of intense comedy variety with comedian and actor Brett Gelman (Fleabag, Stranger Things). Come, experience the dark magic!

Friday, Oct. 18th | 8pm
Haunting Renditions
Experience what happens when Eliot Glazer, a classically trained vocalist-turned-comedian, takes some of pop music’s most infamous songs and turns them into sweeping ballads. With Guets Danny Pellegrino and Georgia Hardstark. 

Saturday, Oct. 19th | 2pm
Felicia Day Book Launch
Joing New York Times bestselling author, producer, actress, TV writer, and award-winning web series creator, Felicia Day ton a journey to find, rekindle, or expand your  creative passions.
Saturday, Oct. 19th | 8pm
Danny Jolles
Join us as comedian + actor Danny Jolles (My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)  talks for an hour, and is joined by cooler friends Justin Clark and Asif Ali, plus a very special Surprise Guest. 

Sunday, Oct. 20th | 8pm
Everything's Great!
An evening of spooky fun hosted by Nick Kocher, Demi Adejuyigbe, & Addie Weyrich. With Very Special Guests: Joel Kim Booster, Greta Titelman, Lara Beitz, and Naomi Ekperigin.
Monday, Oct 21st | 8pm 

Dan Harmon, Jeff B. Davis, & Spencer Crittenden present their wildly popular podcast in front of a live audience. 


The Kids Are Coming! 

Bruce McCulloch
Wednesday, Jan 15th | 8pm
Former Kids in the Hall member Bruce McCulloch’s Tales of Bravery and Stupidity is a one-man show that is funny and at times touching. Part stand-up, part storytelling, it looks at some of the bravely stupid things that Bruce has done, and things we all do as we get ourselves in and out of trouble as we “throw ourselves at life.”

Purchase Tickets

Kevin McDonald
Friday, Jan 11th | 8pm
Kevin McDonald: ALIVE! promises to be a theater event filled to the brim with stories and songs that will give you a look behind the scenes of his life, from his tumultuous relationship with his drunk dad, to his groundbreaking work with “The Kids in the Hall,” to his life and career in the present. Hey, he’s alive and his middle name is “Hamilton,” so he might as well cash in on this theater thing, right?

Purchase Tickets

Randy Feltface — Second Show Added! 

Randy Feltface
Sunday, Nov 15th | 9pm

Randy Feltface has spent fifteen years on an ill-concieved global pilgrimage of self-discovery. Join him for his LA debut as he reports back with the kind of amusing anecdotes and biting observations that have earned him the title of World’s Most Entertaining Non-Human Comedian.

Purchase Tickets

Dynasty BOO-night! 
Saturday, Oct 26th | 7pm 

A ticket to the show ALSO gets you in to the DYNASTYLAND party afterwards! Now THAT’S value. That’s also enchantertainment. That’s also a really fun night. With Very Special Guests: Margaret Cho, Reggie Watts, Megan Gailey, Huge Mystery Guest, + More!


Dynastyland Halloween
Saturday Oct 26th | 9:30pm 

An Immersive Multiroom Party Experience featuring Secret Seance, Comedy, & Magic Shows! Trick-or-Treat Scavenger Hunt! Costume Contest! Dyngo! (Bingo) Glow-In-The-Dark Dance Party! Intoxicating Snacks & Boo-verages! And Much Much More!!


Li'l Dynamos Halloween Party for Kiddos!
Sunday, Oct 27th | 2pm 

What IS a Little Dynamo you may ask yourself? A LI'L DYNAMO is a child-identifying human who loves whismsical fun, enchanting entertainment and award winning popcorn! We’re having our first official Li’l Dynamo event Sunday 10/27, at 2pm, so grab your kid, your niece and nephew, and bring the whole famn-damily down to the Dynasty we’ll be watching VINTAGE HALLOWEEN cartoons! Having a COSTUME PARADE with PRIZES and hosting lil’ trick and treat areas for your lil tricky treats! Doors at 2:00, screening starts promptly at 2:30!



Halloween Movie Party — Young Frankenstein
Thursday, Oct 31st | 8pm 

Join us for a special Halloween screening of the comedy classic YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN at the Dynasty! And what’s Halloween without an option to get realllll treated? Participate in our MEL LOOKS costume contest by rocking a look from any Mel Brooks project (you could be Doctor Frankenstien! A producer! A Spaceball!) or come dressed as Mel himself. Him sMELff?

Copyright © 2018* *Dynasty Typewriter*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2511 Wilshire Blvd, 90057

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Daniel Fazio Daniel Fazio

Halloween At Dynasty!

ALL Your Halloween Plans in One Place!! (This place! Dynasty!)

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Dear sweet darlings,

Jamie and Vanessa from Dynasty here, and while the typewriter we're using may be digital,  we're manually writing you a heartfelt correspondence just like they did in days of yore.  ("Today! It's just like days of yore but more people have rights!" is perhaps a good slogan for the present.) 

We digressed, but now we're flarpin' determined to get back on track, so.... here.... we.... GO! It’s almost Scorpio season and as Scorps ourselves (Nov 2nd and 17th), we’re gettin our tails ready to swipe at all the goodness October and November have to offer! 

It's recently come to our attention we run a beautiful, magical theater and…. we’re allowed to do what whatever we want in it! ( No bosses! Party! ) So here's the haps: WE LOVE HALLOWEEN. WE LOVE SHOWS. WE LOVE PARTIES. WE LOVE MOVIES. WE LOVE KIDS. So we’re rolling out an unprecedented group of FOUR of our very own, Dynasty-produced events designed with you darlings (and sure, ourselves!) in mind. For all your Halloween season planning needs, we’ve got you covered. No bones about it, boos!  

On OCT 26th at 7pm come for an epic Dynasty BooNight, a lineup of our very favorite folks including MARGARET CHO! REGGIE WATTS! MEGAN GAILEY! and many more surprises! Getting a ticket for the show INCLUDES your ticket for the DYNASTYLAND party afterwards! (You can also get DynastyLand tickets separately!) We’ll have a bar for the night, the theater will be decked out with spoooooky things, and we’ll be partying DynastyLand style starting at 9pm.  (DynastyLand style = we open up all the nooks and crannies of the theater for you to explore in an immersive, multi-room party extravaganza!) We’ll have tricks, treats, performances, dancing, seancing, puppets, drinks, and goodies from our friends at Old Pal Provisions (we’ll call smoking weed “blowing ghosts!” for the night! Isn’t that fun?) and sweeties from our friends at VanLeeuwen Ice cream.  

On OCT 27th we’re doing our first non-private Li’l Dynamos event for child-identifying humans! Bring your KIDS, bring the whole FAM, or just bring yourSELF- at 2pm it’s a Li’l Dynamos Halloween partyWe’ll be screening vintage Halloween cartoons, having a costume parade (with prizes!), handing out candy, and attempting to turn our award-winning Owl’sBeard cotton candy into adorable ghosts. Photo ops will abound, so bring your kids before they wreck their costumes at school and trick or treating! 

And on HALLOWEEN itself we’re screening one of our very favorite movies, Young Frankenstien! Come watch the Mel Brooks’ classic on the big screen for a guaranteed ALL  TREAT night. Come dressed as your favorite character from the Mel Brooks-iverse for a chance to WIN BIG PRIZES. (Probably Lindt!) 

Ok, there you have it, four amazing options to celebrate the season in one wonderful location. We’re so excited and we hope you are too! Get your tickets now!

Scorp bites n' Ghoulies

Jamie and BooNessa

Dynasty BOO-night! 
Saturday, Oct 26th | 7pm 

A ticket to the show ALSO gets you in to the DYNASTYLAND party afterwards! Now THAT’S value. That’s also enchantertainment. That’s also a really fun night. With Very Special Guests: Margaret Cho, Reggie Watts, Megan Gailey, Huge Mystery Guest, + More!
Dynastyland Halloween
Saturday Oct 26th | 9:30pm 

An Immersive Multiroom Party Experience featuring Secret Seance, Comedy, & Magic Shows! Trick-or-Treat Scavenger Hunt! Costume Contest! Dyngo! (Bingo) Glow-In-The-Dark Dance Party! Intoxicating Snacks & Boo-verages! And Much Much More!!

Li'l Dynamos Halloween Party for Kiddos!
Sunday, Oct 27th | 2pm 

What IS a Little Dynamo you may ask yourself? A LI'L DYNAMO is a child-identifying human who loves whismsical fun, enchanting entertainment and award winning popcorn! We’re having our first official Li’l Dynamo event Sunday 10/27, at 2pm, so grab your kid, your niece and nephew, and bring the whole famn-damily down to the Dynasty we’ll be watching VINTAGE HALLOWEEN cartoons! Having a COSTUME PARADE with PRIZES and hosting lil’ trick and treat areas for your lil tricky treats! Doors at 2:00, screening starts promptly at 2:30!


Halloween Movie Party — Young Frankenstein
Thursday, Oct 31st | 8pm 

Join us for a special Halloween screening of the comedy classic YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN at the Dynasty! And what’s Halloween without an option to get realllll treated? Participate in our MEL LOOKS costume contest by rocking a look from any Mel Brooks project (you could be Doctor Frankenstien! A producer! A Spaceball!) or come dressed as Mel himself. Him sMELff?

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Daniel Fazio Daniel Fazio

Dynasty Dygest: Oct 8th


Happy Tunic Tuesday, Darlings!

We don’t know about you, but here at Dynasty we absolutely love the breathability and simple fit of a good tunic! Clean lines, open airways, a timeless silhouette… it's the perfect garment to eat DynaPop in. Email us a picture of yourself eating popcorn in a tunic and win 2 tickets to a show of your choice here at Dynasty! 

We hope you’re doing well, enjoying your work and absolutely reveling in your play. We know we are! Last week we romped and reveled with *two sold out nights* (FOUR sold-out shows!) with the human dynamite stick named Esther Povitsky! Esther was shooting her Comedy Central special here, and it promises to be  VERY SPECIAL! She brought it all to every taping, and the crew jujzhed up the space reallll nice... we’re talking chandeliers and shiny floors, baby. We can’t wait to see the finished project, because the parts of the project we’ve already seen in their original state were TOPS.

While you spent the weekend marinating your grillables, we spent the weekend MARON-ating ourselves in the juicy comedy stylings of one MR. MARC MARON. Yum! Or as the kids used to say, “nom nom nom.” Those kids are now adults, and we don't know what they say anymore. Probably stuff about how much they hate taxes? Or like, “This marriage just isn’t working anymore, Andrew!/Sheila!”

Saturday was a GO DAY, and if you haven’t been going to these days, you’re really only getting a FRACTION of the Dynasty experience. We talked to writer/showrunner dream man Brent Forrester, Simpsons writer Dan Greaney, artist/comedian/Rainbow Brainskull Ramin Nazer and of course good ol’ Jamie and Vanessa took the stage to let people in on some of the inner workings of Dynasty, including a FIRST LOOK at our cutting edge F.A.R.T program. If you were there you’d understand. If not, we have a feeling that this type of bait might just get you to come next month (Nov. 2!). It ain’t our first time to the fishing hole, honey.

Now let’s dangle this week’s bait (Dynasty IS catch and release.) WEDNESDAY we are so excited for HARRISON GREENBAUM! He’s bringing his comedy and magic show, What Just Happened? to the Dynasty, and we can’t wait to be asking ourselves that very question. Also  Wednesday, YOM KIPPUR! The holiest day of the year in Judaism, and an insensitive day to invite your Jewish pal on a lunch date. BREAK THE FAST at Harrison’s show with our Rugelach-Topped Dynapop! This is real! Jews and Gentiles agree, it’s rugelicious

THURSDAY we’ve got more Irish sensations (shout out to our OG I.S, Francis Cronin!) with sketch group and internet sensations Foil Arms and Hog on the way for a two-show night. FRIDAY we welcome back Dynasty darling CAMERON ESPOSITO! If you’ve seen one of Cameron’s shows you know they are always hilarious, vulnerable, and wonderful. If you HAVEN’T seen one, you know now and so you have no reason not to attend. And that’s a Dynasty gotcha moment™brought to you by LOGIC

SATURDAY it’s Reels from the Crypt! The horror marathon that will pack the horror to the MAX. How? By screening a parade of anthologies! Come and enjoy this gruesome, mammoth, cinematic centipede of terror!!!!!!!!! (AHHH!) Brought to you by Voyager Institute and The Secret Sixteen this  event  will give you all the horror your heart desires, plus all the fun of watching it with people who are very into it. AND there’s a potluck element! The element is... it’s a potluck! Bring exciting food and drink to share, enjoy an alcoholic beverage at the bar (we have a bar for this event!) and get freaked with your friends like you’re supposed to in October. 

SUNDAY it’s hands-down our FAVORITE woke Japanese game show, Let’s Go, AtsukoATSUKO OKATSUKA has created the comedy, game, and panel show that dreams are made of. This month’s dreamy selection of guests include: LAUREN LAPKUS! KULAP VILAYSACK! JARED GOLDSTEIN! and MORE! MONDAY Harmontown will be back in session with special guest (and Dynasty favorite) FLULA BORG. Nobody does optimistic aloof German DJ like THIS optimistic aloof German DJ!

Good luck with all the atoning you have to do this week! We’ll see you on the other side!

Apples n’ Honey, 

Jamie & Vanessa
Wednesday, Oct 9th | 8pm
Harrison Greenbaum

Comedy Central presents a live taping of Ether Povitsky’s new comedy special. These shows are almost all sold out! Click now to grab last remaining tickets!

Thursday, Oct 10th | 7pm & 9pm
Foil Arms and Hog

Former children and regular eaters Foil Arms and Hog are coming to a city near you with their live show “Swines."

Friday, Oct 11th | 8pm
Cameron Esposito
Dynasty Typewriter presents an evening with Los Angeles-based standup comic, actor and writer who has appeared on NBC, CBS, Comedy Central, TBS, IFC, E!, Cartoon Network and HBO Canada, and in films featured at the Sundance and SXSW Film Festivals.

Saturday, Oct. 12th | 2pm to 2am
Reels from the Crypt
A 16mm Horror Movie Marathon. Presented by Secret Sixteen, Friday Night Frights, and The Voyager Institute

Sunday, Oct. 13th | 8pm
Let's Go Atsuko
A night of interactive games in the style of a Japanese Game Show. This Month’s Special Guests: Cameron Esposito, Lauren Lapkus, Kulap Vilaysack, and Jared Goldstein.
Monday, Oct 14th | 8pm 

Dan Harmon, Jeff B. Davis, & Spencer Crittenden present their wildly popular podcast in front of a live audience. Featuring special guest Flula Borg!
Great News! We just got the go ahead to give away some tickets for a really special private event we are hosting TONIGHT!  How special? It's The FATLIP (The Pharcyde)  Record Release Party with very special guests Pete Holmes, Ron Funches, and Open Mike Eagle. Also Free Drinks and Snacks!
 We’d like to take a moment to remind you that though life can indeed be a wild, unpredictable, or even mundane ride- you are the captain! Life is absurd! We are animals living on a planet spinning around IN SPACE (!!!) more vast than we can comprehend. We are living this human experience, so might as well make it an enjoyable one. Remember: you deserve to feel good and do good and put your time and energy into things that help you meet those ends. Sometimes a little change of scenery is just what Doctor Life MD ordered to help you zoom out and regain much needed playfulness and perspective. Hopefully, when you zoom back into your routine everything is a notch fresher. So take a walk, rent a cabin, visit the Dynasty, or go on a road trip to @lacroixwater National Beverage Core in Fort Lauderdale FL, or the US Corporate HQ for @lindt in beautiful Stratham, NH.

Wednesday October 16 | 8pm 
Melissa Villaseñor — Dreamer
Come listen and celebrate "Dreamer", the debut music album from SNL alumni Melissa Villaseñor.


Thursday October 17 | 8pm 
Judah Friedlander — Future President Tour
Hilarious, profound satire with endless one liners & seemless crowd work. Judah Friedlander is a singular performer. His Future President stand-up show is American satire at its most creative, incisive, and funny. You have not seen a show like this before. Judah satirizes American Exceptionalism, the systemic power structures that control America, and how America deals with all of its human rights issues. Judah finds and creates comedy from places you never knew it existed. 


Saturday October 26 | 9:30pm 
Dynastyland Halloween!
Join us for an Immersive Multiroom Party Experience. Featuring: Secret Seance, Comedy, & Magic Shows! Trick-or-Treat Scavenger Hunt! Costume Contest! Dyngo! (Bingo) Glow-In-The-Dark Dance Party! Intoxicating Snacks & Boo-verages! And Much Much More!!

Copyright © 2018* *Dynasty Typewriter*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2511 Wilshire Blvd, 90057

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Daniel Fazio Daniel Fazio

Dynasty Dygest — Oct. 1st

Happpppyyyy Octoberrrr spoooooooky darlings! 

OCTOBER! One of the top three months for sure. (What are your #topthreemonths? Fun party convo starter! Until it gets political. 🙄)  Why is it one of our #topthreemonths? We love the constant candy excuses, the ghost abundance, the group costume dramas, and the opportunity to call everyone a witch. September is great and all (and one of our top 12 months for sureand all due respect if it’s your birthday month) but when you think about it, it doesn’t have a lot going for it. We could go on and on with this sizzling and scathing look at the calendar months, but we’ll stop ourselves before we rip April a new one. Don’t worry, February is safe. We don’t punch down, little guy. 

Last week was a delight and a stunner, Workjuice wow’ed, Kirkman killed, Everything WAS Great, fourth time was a continued charm for The Fast and The Furious musical (sold out AGAIN!) and Sunday we had easily the best 90th birthday party the theater has ever hosted, AND the triumphant stampede of our favorite Wild Horses
This week is already spooooooky! (In October “spoooooky” can mean ANYTHING!  ESTHER POVITSKY is taping her Comedy Central Special TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY night- there are still a few tickets left, so grab them and see the amazing Esther live before you start watching her special on repeat! Getting a ticket to watch it live is… and we can’t believe we’re saying this… better than TiVoing it! Usually we’re allll about TiVoing and living that TiVo life, but THIS is an exception. 

THURSDAY we’ve got SCIENCE! The Show at 8pm, which was voted by Popcorn Magazine as the “coolest and funniest way to learn about science while eating the Best Popcorn on the West Coast, which is called DynaPop.” (Lion Jade, Junior Editor Popcorn Magazine) There will be comedy, science and an experiment done right in front of you! The guest this month is Quantam Physicist Dr. SPIROS MICHALAKIS (Caltech, and the science advisor for Marvel’s ANT MAN!) He must be smart!!! We’re dying to know what his #topthreemonths are! At 10pm we welcome New York darling LIZ MIELE! She’s been doing comedy all over the place; Comedy Central, FOX, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and now… Dynasty! 

FRIDAY we welcome RAJIV SATYAL for his show The Man in The MiddleHe’s going to try and make sense of American politics. Good luck Rajiv, it’s a real shit show. 

SATURDAY is Go Day! Our monthly FREE dose of enchantertainment™ for artists, entrepreneurs, and all human beings.  It starts at 2pm, so join us, and fuel yourself with DynaBrew and inspiration! The coffee wears off, the inspiration lasts UP TO A LIFETIME! (But that tends to wane a bit, so we do Go Day monthly to keep you topped up ;) ) Then we’ve got ourselves what we like to call “A Very Maron Weekend.” Because we have two MARC MARON shows! They are totally SOLD OUT but you can, of course, show up and take your chances and to get on a standby list if you're a real MaronHead. But honestly, if you’re a REAL Maronhead you would’ve gotten those sweet sweet tickets the moment we listed the show. 🤷‍♀️ Sometimes tough truths NEED to be spoken. 

MONDAY is one of the final Harmontowns and there are a very few tickets left. Get them before getting them isn’t even option. 

Have you made your plans for Oct 26th? PERFECT! We made them for you! Scroll down for a big announcement about the next DyanstyLand’stravaganza: Halloween edition! 

What’s your favorite souvenir? 
Jamie & Vanessa
October 1st + 2nd  | 8pm + 10pm 
Esther Povitsky Comedy Special

Comedy Central presents a live taping of Ether Povitsky’s new comedy special. These shows are almost all sold out! Click now to grab last remaining tickets!

Thursday, Oct 3rd | 8pm
Science! The Show

We think science is some of the coolest shit in the world. That’s why we want to bring the scientists right to you to let them speak in their own words. The show’s also really funny. There will be comedy, science, a live experiment done right in front of your eyes, and a Q and A at the end.

Thursday, Oct 3rd | 10pm
Liz Miele
Spend the evening with the New Jersey comedian who has appeared on Comedy Central, FOX, AXS TV, Hulu and NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. 

Friday, Oct. 4th | 8pm
Rajibv Sajiv is…The Man In The Middle 
After breaking down Dating in 2013 and Music in 2017, Cincinnati-Born, Los Angeles-Based Comedian Rajiv Satyal sets his sights on the state of American politics, and through his clever and provocative style, aims to make sense of where we are and what it all means.

Saturday Oct 5th  | 2pm 
Go Day! w/ Brent Forrester, Ramin Nazer, Dan Greaney, + More!
Go Day is Dynasty Typewriter's monthly dose of enchantertainment™ designed to excite and inspire you to GO into your life with gusto!

October 5th + 6th | 8pm 
Marc Maron
Two evenings of enchantment with Marc Maron as he performs his "Hey, There's More Tour" at Dynasty Typewriter. 
Monday, Oct 7th | 8pm 

Dan Harmon, Jeff B. Davis, & Spencer Crittenden present their wildly popular podcast in front of a live audience. Featuring special guest Matt Frederick, Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown

Saturday October 26 | 9:30pm 
Dynastyland Halloween
Join us for an Immersive Multiroom Party Experience. Featuring: Secret Seance, Comedy, & Magic Shows! Trick-or-Treat Scavenger Hunt! Costume Contest! Dyngo! (Bingo) Glow-In-The-Dark Dance Party! Intoxicating Snacks & Boo-verages! And Much Much More!!

yyyooooo! It’s ya boy Marquee Marq wishing you a happy Tuesday! The week's only just begun, but I can hardly wait for the weekend, my favorite recurring holiday lol!!!! Ooooh, yeah I smell the freekin WEEKEND baby! Weekends are so friggin classic. The best time for relaxin’, hittin’ yard sales early (like my auntie linda ALWAYS does! rain or shine Linda’s like “ one man’s trash is my friggin LOOT!” ) hitting up wingstop ( ) and of course... self reflection. Like, we’re moving so fast during the week it’s important to like friggin tap the brakes a little bit and like contemplate where we’re going and why and how and see where we’re like friggin falling short of our potential or overspending our energy and make tweaks as necessary, right? For example, last week Dynasty has this free event and there was free drinks and free DynaPop and it was great and chill and so friggin positive and everyone was having the best time but then this one dude comes up to us askin’ where our water fountain is and we’re like “unfortunately we don’t have one” and he’s getting all mad about it but does he even realize a) this building was built in the friggin 20s and like, it for real doesn’t have a water fountain, we’re not like hiding anything and b) we’re not a public school or park? And he’s spreading his lack of water fountain vitriol throughout the lobby and it’s friggin PALPABLE and we’re trying to be all nice about it because that’s how we are and how we train our whole friggin team to be because of course, ya know? And then he orders a coffee and comes back up to us and says “Am I a dick? Because this coffee is undrinkable.” Listen, if you’re asking anyone if you’re a dick, then you are like definitely a dick, right? or at least like, wildly passive aggressive / aggressive aggressive?! So of course we immediately get him a new coffee (NICE) and ask if it’s better and he’s like “I mean… barely” and…. ok, i notice at this point like the whole friggin staff is transformed, we’re like heavy and clenchy and… that kind of energy is hard to escape! ALL THIS TO SAY, we hope this dude took last week think about his actions and make adjustments to his expectations of others and who it’s fair  it’s fair to be a friggin wreck of a bro to. AND FURTHERMORE we hope he'll will take this weekend to grow up and be respectful and kind, especially to a staff whose very mission is to serve everyone that walks in the door with love and smiles and like invite them into a positivity vibe bath! Anyway! I got all mad and made this marquee to address this wreck of a bro, and wish him like good luck in finding other 100 year old historic 200 seat theaters with working drinking fountains lol. Aiiiight I’m out and FYI this weekend I’m gonna work on my quick draw temper which seems to last just long enough to get this snarky stuff up lol!!! Also gonna work no not dwelling because right now ya boy DWELLS! #marqueemarq
Harrison Greenbaum: What Just Happened?  Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 10 | 7pm
Foil Arms & Hog  Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 10 | 9pm
Foil Arms & Hog  Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER  11 | 8pm
Cameron Esposito Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 12 | 2pm
Reels From The Crypt —  A 12hr 16mm Horror Movie Marathon Buy Tickets →
OCT 13 | 8pm
Let's Go, Atsuko!  ft/ Lauren Lapkus,  Kulap Vilaysack, + More! Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 14 | 8pm
Harmontown w/Flula Borg  Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 15 | 8pm
The Crossword Show  w/ Zach Sherwin ft/  Adam Conover + Janelle James Buy Tickets →
Melissa Villaseñor (SNL) Album Release Party  Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 17 | 8pm
Judah Friedlander Future President Tour Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 19 | 10pm
Brett Gelman with special guests 
OCTOBER 18 | 8pm
Eliot Glazer's Haunting Renditions   Buy Tickets →
Felicia Day:  Embrace Your Weird Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 19 | 8pm
Danny Jolles Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 20 | 8pm
Everything’s Great! w/ Nick Kocher,Demi Adejuyigbe, & Addie Weyrich  Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 21 | 8pm
Harmontown Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 22 | 8pm
Team Coco’s Up & Up w/ Moses Storm Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 23 | 8pm 
Team Coco’s SuperBoss w/Aaron Bleyaert  Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 24 | 9pm 
RISK! Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 25 | 8pm 
Time Out LA Presents… 
OCTOBER 25 | 10pm
Sarah Squirm’s Helltrap Nightmare Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 26 | 7pm
Dynasty Tonight!
OCTOBER 26 | 9:30pm
Dynastyland Halloween  A multiroom party experience Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 28 | 8pm
Harmontown Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 28 | 8pm
Valentine's Is For Suckers 
OCTOBER 30 | 8pm
Workjuice Improv Buy Tickets →
OCTOBER 31 | 8pm
Halloween Movie Night TBD
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2511 Wilshire Blvd, 90057

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Daniel Fazio Daniel Fazio

Dynasty Dygest: Sept 24th



This time next week it will be October and we’ll get to use all the boo jokes and ghost emojis we want! But for now, let’s enjoy the graceful final act of Sweet September. 

Last week was a lovely one 'round these parts, with the triumphant return of Sam Morril (“Still electric!” - Jamie Flam), the staged reading of Men Don’t Whisper that brought out the stars on the stage and in the audience (ooh la la!), a totally a sold out Hollywood Handbook that brought out all those Hollywood Fanbooks, (if that isn’t a thing it should be!) and the Dynasty debut of RISK! with risky stories being told to the delight of the audience. Cameron Esposito’s monthly show was as wonderful as ever, with some new material that made us feel many of the feelings (all the feelings wouldn’t be good to feel, after all, there are MANY feelings that are quite unpleasant and we didn’t experience those!) Fun fact, Cameron had a best friend in high school named Mike Macaluso. We have a Mike Macaluso here too who's our full-time AGM! He's not the SAME Mike, but Cameron and our Mike do have a fun little spark between them. Life! And here’s another fun Macaluso Fact-a-luso: Our Mike was on a game show this week! And he WON! Yes, with the help of Rick Fox and John Michael Higgins, Mike won “25 Words Or Less” a new game show hosted by MEREDITH FREAKIN' VIEIRA that Google says requires the skills of: word associating, bidding, and clue-giving. Uncanny: Those were all listed as Additional Skills on Mike's resume (along with "adept in WordPerfect").

This week we’ve got it all! Book releases! Stand-up!  Improv! Fast and the Furious themed musicals! FILM LEGENDS! Don’t believe us? Heeeere’s the breakdown!

TONIGHT! LAUREN SHIPPEN (creator of The Bright Sessions podcast) has a book release event for her novel, The Infinite Noise, a YA supernatural joint! She’ll be in conversation with BRITTA LUNDIN (writer for RIVERDALE, author of SHIP IT.) If you like books, imagination, celebrations of queer culture, and explorations of empathy, congratulations, THIS is your event! 

WEDNESDAY! Ye ol’ WorkJuicers are back on the clock! If you’re unfamiliar, the gang you fell in love with on THRILLING ADVENTURE HOUR went off and started themselves a damn improv troupe, and they come to the Dynasty the last Wednesday of the month. This month PAUL F. TOMPKINS, CRAIG CACKOWSKI, MARK GAGLIARDI, ANNIE SAVAGE, HAL LUBLIN, and LI’L JANET VARNEY take the stage with guest monologist AUTUMN REESER! It’s improv so good someone should write it all down and sell the scripts. WITH THEIR CONSENT!

THURSDAY! Do you like hilarious things!? Congratulations! JEN KIRKMAN will be here with a fresh n’ piping hot hour for you to enjoy. Come! Enjoy! FRIDAY! When they’re here, the name becomes a truism! It’s the always packed, always hilarious, Everything’s Great! A show so powerful it needs three hosts NICK KOCHER, DEMI ADEJUYIGBE and ADDIE WEYRICH to contain it! This month’s special guests (not to take away from the TRUE specialness of the aforementioned hosts) are MITRA JOUHARI, DREW TARVER, CARL TART and DANA DONNELLY!

SATURDAY! Have you seen The Fast and the Furious: A Musical Parody yet? Good news if you have: you can see it again and SING ALONG now that you’re acclimated! Good news if you haven’t: You can see it! And Jamie and Vanessa agree, you don’t need to be familiar with the source material AT ALL to have the best time ever. Other people have agreed, it’s fun to be familiar with the source material! Basically what we’re presenting you with is a series of win-win situations, because we know you are a winner.  We don’t believe in participation trophies, we believe in WINNER TROPHIES FOR EVERYONE. Tough love is incredibly overrated. 

SUNDAY! We are having our very first 90th birthday celebration… nay, celebration is too light a word it’s... Don Murray’s 90th Birthday Extravaganza! DON MURRAY is an actor who has been working on some of the most interesting projects in Hollywood for the last 70 years. As recently as 2017’s TWIN PEAKS return,  and as impossibly legendary as 1956’s Bus Stop, as the romantic lead opposite a lil’ lady named MARILYN MONROE. Add to this little projects like Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, Peggy Sue Got Married, and Knotts Landing, and honey you got yourself a recipe for a flarpin’ extravaganza. Put together and hosted by bonafide sweetie ERIC EDELSTEIN  (We Bare Bears! Twin Peaks! Shameless!) the event will also feature LEGENDS including TWO Hitchcock blondes! (Reductive term for absolutely killer actors!) TIPPI HEDREN (The Birds! Roar! Are we allowed to talk about Roar!?) and EVA MARIE SAINT (Oscar winner for On The Waterfront! Indelible in North By Northwest!) Plus RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN! You know the guy! We are FLIPPING OUT. Join us, and let your jaw drag along the floor with ours! And then at 8pm, we’ve got a bevy of modern mares in the amazing WILD HORSES!  It’s longform improv from a slew of slayers: STEPHANIE ALLYNNE, MARY HOLLAND, LAUREN LAPKUS, ERIN WHITEHEAD and special guest, LEISHA HAILEY (The L word!) We take our horses like we take our jokers honey, wild wild wild!

MONDAY! It’s one of the final HARMONTOWN shows and the special guest is MITCH HURWITZ creator of Arrested Development (and EP of Lady Dynamite! And a ton of other things!) so pull on your jean shorts and call up your fellow never-nudes, party in H-town whilst ye can!

In other news, Jamie and Vanessa had a creative summit last week in Lake Arrowhead. We discovered that: A-frames are the best type of architecture, the Thomas Kinkade puzzle we brought wasn’t very satisfying, classic taco flavored Doritos live up to the hype (if there was any hype), Season 2 of Fargo is as good on second viewing, and ONE of us doesn’t have panic attacks while driving up mountains! (Guesses welcome, the truth withheld.) We had some dedicated time to focus on big-picture creative endeavors for the theater, and we’re so excited to share what we’ve been dreaming of and creating google docs about for years. But also we came up with the concept of being LINDTCEPTED (when your Lindt story is being asked what your Lindt story is) and creating a chocolate-centric area of the theater called the Lindt Trap (like The Parent Trap but with chocolate).

More like A+ frame,

Jamie and Vanessa
Tuesday Sept 24th | 8pm
Lauren Shippen Book Release 
The creator of the beloved and award-winning podcast The Bright Sessions is hosting a party to celebrate her new novel, The Infinite Noise. The event is presented by Skylight Books and will feature a conversation with Britta Lundin. 

Wednesday, September 25th | 8pm
WorkJuice Improv ft. Autumn Reeser

The improvisors from the cast of the legendary Thrilling Adventure Hour throw the scripts aside for an evening of improv! With Special Guest Autumn Reeser!

Thursday, Sept 26th | 8pm 
Jen Kirkman
Comedian Jen Kirkman is doing an hour of stand-up that you haven’t seen on Netflix! You know Jen from her critically acclaimed Netflix specials “I’m Gonna Die Alone” and “Just Keep Livin’?”  and as a writer on the Amazon show, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.”

Friday, Sept. 27th | 8pm
Everything's Great!
A monthly comedy event hosted by Nick Kocher, Demi Adejuyigbe, & Addie Weyrich. With Very Special Guests: Mitra Jouhari, Drew Tarver, Carl Tart, and Dana Donnelly.

Saturday Sept 28th  | 8pm 
The Fast and the Furious: A Musical Parody
Come watch your favorite car-driving gang members battle their greatest foe yet-- singing and dancing at the same time.

Sunday, Sept 29th | 5pm 
The Don Murray 90th Birthday Extravaganza 
A one of a kind night starring Don Murray and a cavalcade of Hollywood royalty. Guests will range from his Oscar nominated work in the 1950’s to last year's Twin Peaks: The Return, and every bit of his groundbreaking work in between.
Sunday, Sept 29th | 8pm 
Wild Horses ft Leisha Hailey
Spend the evening with the legendary long form improv team consisting of Stephanie Allynne, Mary Holland, Lauren Lapkus and Erin Whitehead plus special guest Leisha Hailey.  

Monday, Sept 30th | 8pm 
Harmontown ft Mitch Hurwitz 

Dan Harmon (Rick & Morty), Jeff B. Davis (Whose Line is it Anyway), game master, Spencer Crittenden (HarmonQuest) present their wildly popular podcast in front of a live audience. Featuring special guest Mitch Hurwitz (Arrested Development).
October 1st + 2nd  | 8pm + 10pm 
Esther Povitsky Comedy Special

Comedy Central presents a live taping of Ether Povitsky’s new comedy special.

Saturday October 19 | 8pm 
Esther Povitsky Comedy Special
Danny Jolles Talks for About an Hour (Plus Cooler Friends Talk Before)

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2511 Wilshire Blvd, 90057

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